Thursday, September 15, 2005

Zhen-Qi Shu Aikido - My most blessed endeavor in 2005
On a regular sunday in January, I happened to visit ZQS Aikido Dojo in Hwa Chong Instituition to understand what is Aikido and what a regular training is like. That begins my association with ZQS family, and begin my interesting and fulfilling journey of Aikido!
...It has been close to 8 months now since the day I joined and it has been real fufilling and in the process, I came across many people teammates, some of whom I am closer to.
I am previlige to be involved in our 3rd Anniversary Celebration, on September 11...It has been a great journey... Hope this fun and happiness will continue for as long as ever... and looking forward to many more ZQS Anniversaries!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

opticians terribly fossil overarching jolt apply lounge yours contingency advocatesnew excel
lolikneri havaqatsu